Killed It!
- Posted: 1/15/13 (revised: 1/15/13)
- Category: Amateur Radio Electronics

The tip of the soldering iron I tried to use is too big - it bridges all five wires at once. I should’ve stopped and bought a smaller tip but, no, I had to go ahead and try. So now the right-most two of the bottom five are soldered permanently together. Copper braid and solder suckers have failed to clear the bridge.
This chip, an AD9833BRMZ Programmable Waveform Generator, is a goner.
For $10.80 each, I’ve ordered two replacements from DigiKey and I’ll also pick up a super-tiny soldering tip at the neighborhood Fry’s Electronics tomorrow.
Then, if I can’t get it done with the first replacement, I’ll find someone who can for the second.