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Top 25

1911 (49) Reloading (49) Politics (40) Sw-Model-41 (39) 45-Acp (38) John-Zurek (34) Writing-Craft (28) Humor (24) Trigger-Control (24) Jim-Henderson (22) Ammunition (20) Nighthawks (20) Brian-Zins (19) Coach-Pat (19) International-Pistol (18) Linux (18) Growing-Up (17) Desert-Midwinter (16) Tony-Brong (15) Website (15) Head-Game (14) Picardy (14) Clubs (13) Dillon (13) Hugo (13)


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History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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